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Imagine IT – Phase 1

Phase 1:  Idea Generation

Products Produced: i-Image due July 22, i-Video due July 26

This phase is focused on letting your imagination run wild!  Before you develop a plan of attack, you first need a strong foundation of the idea that you want to create this transformational experience around.  To help you develop your big idea, we will be completing activities in class and meeting with you to make sure that your idea is hearty enough for you to dive into for an entire year.  Remember, think BIG!

With that in mind, think carefully about an aspect of your STEM content that involves some pedagogical problem that you need to address:

  • Is there an area that students struggle with or can’t relate to?
  • Or an area in which (despite your best efforts) misconceptions are still strong?
  • An area in which students are unmotivated to learn?
  • Or an area that is commonly thought of as “boring” or dry, in which students are disengaged?
  • Or perhaps there is some other area in which you can identify pedagogical issues, struggles with content, and/or a teaching problem of practice that needs a plan to address it …

Once you have developed your big idea and have discussed it with instructors, you will develop two products: the i-Image and the i-Video.   These products will help you think about your big idea from different/new perspectives as well as to communicate your big ideas to your target audience.


i-Image: Making Ideas Cool (Due July 22) A visual representation of “Big” ideas Darren Kuropatwa over at November Learning begins a blog post titled Creating ideas with style as follows: “Riding a Paris Metro David Wong looks up at the ads. All beautiful images captioned with little text. One, an image of the Earth and …


i-Video (Due July 26, 2016) …the water cooler tango!   It’s the last 10 minutes of your lunch break. You just need to fill your water bottle so that you won’t be thirsty for the next three hours of your day.  The water cooler is at the end of the hall, but so is one …