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CPS Tech Talk

Presentation at CPS Tech Talk (April 7th)

On April 7th, you will present a poster session at the CPS Tech Talk with your Deep Play Group.  Our theme of the poster sessions with be the “MSUrbanSTEM Playground.” So, in addition to your science-fair style exhibits, we want to engage visitors in a hands-on experience. Take a peek at what the playground looked like last year here. You will notice that groups had physical displays as well as digital resources. How you share your information is up to you, but we strongly encourage a poster of some sort and something for visitors to tinker with. In preparation for your presentation, consider how you will divide tasks for your presentation:

  • Creating a science fair style presentation board
    • What content is important to put on the board?
        • Think quick, easily digestible info. Infographics, bullets, diagrams, links to resources.
    • What photos, artifacts, etc. do you have that you want on the board?
    • Pro Tip:  QR codes are a great way to get people to resources quickly.
  • Gather materials and resources needed
    • How will you allow visitors to have a hands-on experience with your topic?
    • What resources can you provide visitors?
  • Touch up Deep Play PD outline and newsletter that you created in the fall semester so that you can share them digitally – don’t worry about printing them out unless your team decides that you want to.

Other items to consider: How will you share contact info for your group members?  Do you each have a personal business card?  Will you create and hand out a bookmark with all group member contact info and favorite resources?  Be creative!

This page will update as more information and deadlines are released about the Tech Talk. For now, if you have any worries about being able to attend the CPS Tech Talk, please fill out this form so that we can send an email and letter to your administrator.