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Deep Play Groups — Fall Edition


Falling into Deep Play


Over the summer, you formed Deep Play groups, determined a goal, researched and played, and determined a way to curate and share your resources.  This fall, you will continue your play in the following ways:

Deep Play Group Overview

As you can see in the brief descriptions provided above, it will be important to read the next assignment in the series well ahead of the due date.  The work that we are asking you to accomplish will take more than a week or two of preparation (note the time provided in between assignments below), so make sure that as you complete an assignment, you read the next one to ensure that you have enough time to complete each assignment thoughtfully and fully. Now that you have an overview of what this fall will entail for your Deep Play group, we will go into more detail about each of these items.

Deep Play Group Timeline


Outcome 1: Tinker Tale Take 2 (Due September 26th)

Outcome 2: Book Hangout on Air (Due November 19th)

Outcome 3: PD and Newsletter (Due December 6th)

Outcome 1: Tinker Tale Take 2

Outcome 1: Tinker Tale Take 2 (Due September 26th) By September 26th, you should dig deeper into your play and publish Tinker Tale Take 2 to your Deep Play page on your website.  In Tinker Tale Take 1 over the summer, you established goals for your continued play.  Now, you will research and play with …

Outcome 2: Book Hangout on Air

Outcome 2: Book Hangout on Air (Due November 19th) First things first, the goal of this digital book circle is to further your ideas and understanding of your topic. Hopefully, it sparks new paths for your future play and learning!   As you read your book, we’re asking you to participate in a Tweet ‘n’ …

Outcome 3: PD and Newsletter

Outcome 3: PD and Newsletter (Due December 6th) After finishing your Book Hangout on Air and taking your learning to a new level, we’re asking that you continue to play with ideas, tools, strategies, inspiration, and everything else related to your Deep Play topic.  Remember to continue sharing your favorite resources through the selected method …